Basic of Internet MCQ Type Questions Class 10 Computer Application


Basic of Internet

MCQ Type Questions


Question 1. Define Internet.

(a) Exchange information with friends and colleagues
(b) Access pictures, sounds, video clips and other media elements
(c) Find diverse perspective on issues from a global audience
(d) Internet exchange information, access pictures, find diverse perspective on issue from a global audience.
Answer: (d) Internet exchange information, access pictures, find diverse perspective on issues from a global audience.


Question 2. Every PC linked to the Internet needs to

(a) be-a pentium machine
(b) have an unique IP address
(c) have a Web browser
(d) have a modem connection
Answer: (b) Each computer connected to the Internet must have an unique IP address.


Question 3. A collection of guidelines that control data transmission is

(a) protocol
(b) information
(c) HTML
(d) E-mail
Answer: (a) A protocol is a set of rules that governs the communication between computers on a network.


Question 4. Which communication protocol does the Internet use?
(a) TCP/IP
(b) WWW
(c) HTML
(d) W3C
Answer: (a) TCP/IP manages the transmission of uata/file document on the Internet.


Question 5. Which TCP/IP component, at the source computer, is in charge of breaking up a file or message into tiny pieces?
(a) TCP
(b) IP
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
Answer: (a) TCP part breaks the messages into smaller packets that are transmitted over the Internet.


Question 6. Within Internet Protocol (IP), information is arranged as

(a) bundles
(b) packets
(c) switches
(d) parts
Answer: (b) IP has the task of delivering packets from the source host to the destination host.


Question 7. The foundation of Internet email is made up of standards called
(a) protocols
(b) networks
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) hardware
Answer: (a) Internet uses all its services like E-mail service through standard protocols.


Question 8. To joint the Internet, the computer has to be connected to a
(a) Internet architecture board
(b) Internet society
(c) Internet service provider
(d) None of the above
Answer: (c) Internet service provider is used to joint the Internet.


Question 9. The first network was
(b) Internet
(c) NSFnet
(d) NET
Answer: (a) The Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork (ARPANET) was the world’s first operational packet switching network.


Question 10. Digital information is converted into analog information by the modem at      
(a) destination computer
(b) source computer
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
Answer: (b) Digital information is converted into analog information by modem at source computer.


Question 11. An organisation responsible for providing Internet services to customer is commonly known as
(a) Government
(b) ISP
(c) TCP/IP
(d) HTTP
Answer: (b) ISP are the companies that register themselves under the government domain according to the copyright law.


Question 12. Nick connects to the Internet at home using a laptop computer with a wireless connection. Nick is going to change to a desktop computer using a 1 Gbps ethernet cable connection.
Which of these should be the result of making the changes?
(a) Increased portability and decreased speed.
(b) Decreased portability and increased speed.
(c) Increased portability and increased speed.
(d) Decreased portability and decreased speed.
Answer: (b) Decreased portability and increased speed will be the result.


Question 13. Combination of multimedia and hyperlink is called
(a) hypermedia
(b) E-mail
(c) hypertext
(d) None of these
Answer: (c) Hypertext refers to the combination of text, graphic images, audio and video tracks and hyperlinks.


Question 14. In URL, http://www.cbse.coin/index.htm, which component identifies the path of a Web page?
(a) http
(c) /index.htm
(d) All of these
Answer: (c) /index.htm, because path name identifies the path of a Web page.


Question 15. A collection of Web pages linked together in a random order is
(a) a Website
(b) a Web server
(c) a search engine
(d) a Web browser
Answer: (a) A Website is a collection of Web pages linked together in a random order and displays related information on a specific topic.


Question 16. In URL,, which component identifies the Website?
(a) http
(c) /index.htm
(d) All of these
Answer: (b), because domain name identifies the Website.


Question 17. Home page helps viewers to find out what they can find on the particular site? Home page is the
(a) first page of a Website
(b) index page
(c) about page
(d) None of these
Answer: (a) Home page refers to the initial or main or first Web page of a Website, sometimes called the front page.


Question 18. ………… is an example of text-based browser, which provides access to the Internet in the text-only mode.
(a) Mozilla Firefox
(b) Lynx
(c) Internet Explorer
(d) All of these
Answer: (b) Lynx is a highly configurable text-based Web browser.


Question 19. Which client software is used to request and display Web pages?
(a) Web server
(b) Multimedia
(c) FTP
(d) Web browser
Answer: (d) A Web browser is a program that your computer runs to communicate with Web servers on the Internet, which enables you to download and display the Web pages that you request.


Question 20. Google Chrome is an example of
(a) Web browser
(b) Web server
(c) HTTP
(d) WWW
Answer: (a) Web browser is the program that is used to explore the Internet. Thus, Google Chrome is an example of Web browser.


Question 21. Programs that ask servers for services are called
(a) users
(b) hosts
(c) clients
(d) programs
Answer: (c) In client server model, client is a piece of hardware/software that ask servers for services.


Question 22. A Web page is located using a
(a) Universal Record Linking
(b) Uniform Resource Locator
(c) Universal Record Locator
(d) Uniformly Reachable Links
Answer: (b) URL (Uniform Resource Locator) specifies the location of a specific Web page on the Internet.


Question 23. Kirti, a student, has written some points about Web pages and URL.

1.                  Which of the following statements are true about Web pages?
(a) You cannot E-mail a link of Web page.
(b) You cannot create a Web page.
(c) Web pages are written in HTML.
(d) Web pages are viewed through browser.


2.                  Which of the following statements are true about URL?
(a) URL means Uniform Resource Locator.
(b) You can enter URL into address bar.
(c) An example of URL is
(d) It is not necessary for URL to be unique.


Answer: 1. (c) and (d) 2. (a) and (b)


Question 24. An IP address is a string of ……….. numbers separated by periods.
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 2
(d) 5
Answer: (b) An IP address consists of 4 numbers separated by periods.


Question 25. Domain names always have two or more parts, separated by
(a) commas
(b) periods (called dots)
(c) semicolon
(d) None of these
Answer: (b) A domain name is a hierarchical series of character strings representing different levels of domains separated by dot/period.


Question 26. A domain name ending with .org belongs to
(a) an educational institution
(b) an organisation
(c) a site that is highly organised
(d) a commercial Website
Answer: (b) On the Internet, all Websites owned and operated by an organisation are part of the .org domain.


Question 27. IP addresses are converted into       

(a) a binary string
(b) alphanumeric string
(c) a hierarchy of domain names
(d) a hexadecimal string
Answer: (c) DNS translates domain names into their IP addresses and vice-versa.


Question 28. In all computers on the Internet, owned and operated by education institution form part of the
(a) .com domain
(b) .edu domain
(c) .mil domain
(d) .org domain
Answer: (b) The domain name edu provides domain registration at no cost to educational institutions.


Question 29. Which of these services will not be provided by a typical Internet Service Provider (ISP)?
(a) An E-mail address
(b) Modem
(c) A connection to the Internet
(d) Technical help
Answer: (a) ISP refers to a company that provides Internet services, modem, connection and technical help. It does not provide an E-mail address.


Question 30. A blog consists of
(a) images
(b) text
(c) links
(d) All of these
Answer: (d) A blog consists of images, text and links.


Question 31. Online discussion through posts about various topics is called
(a) E-Discussion
(b) Newsgroup
(c) E-mail
(d) Chat
Answer: (b) Newsgroup helps for online discussion.


Question 32. On Internet, to go to other Web page through button, the user should use
(a) Search tools
(b) Find and replace
(c) Search engine
(d) hyperlink

Answer: (d) On Internet, to go to other Web page available through button, the user should use hyperlinks.


Question 33. HTML is a markup language for describing Web document. HTML uses
(a) pre-specified tags
(b) user defined tags
(c) tags only for linking
(d) fixed tags defined by the language
Answer: (d) HTML uses fixed tags defined by the language.


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