ICT Skills Class 9 / 10 Questions and Answers Important for Exams 

Q1. What do you mean by ICT? 

Ans. ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. ICT refers to all the tools related to storing, recording and sending digital information. 

Q2. Differentiate between Hardware and Software ? 

Ans. Hardware Software The physical components that we can see and touch. It is a set of programs/instructions that perform a specific task Monitor, Keyboard are examples of Hardware MS Paint, MS Word are examples of Software. 

Q3. What do you mean by Operating System? 

Ans. Operating System : It is a software that act as an interface between the user and the computer. 

Q4. Give two examples of mobile operating system. 

Ans. Two examples of mobile operating system : 

a. Apple iOS 

b. Google Android 

Q5. Name two operating systems for laptops or desktop. 

Ans. Two operating systems for laptops or desktop are: 

a. Ubuntu 

b. Microsoft Windows 

Q6. Identify me 

a. I am a physical part of computer. 

b. I am a collection of instruction doing specific task. 

c. I am the software that starts working as soon as we switch on a computer. 

d. I am an input device used to type text, numbers etc 

e. I am a small device that you can use to move, select and open items on your computer screen. 

Ans. a. Hardware b. Software c. Operating System d. Keyboard e. Mouse 

Q7. Expand BIOS? 

Ans. BIOS stands for Basic Input/Output System 

Q8. What do you mean by Input device? 

Give two examples. Ans. Those devices which are used to feed data/command into the computer are called Input device. for example Keyboard and Mouse. 

Q9. What do you mean by drag and drop? 

Ans. Moving an item from one location to another with the help of mouse button. This is called drag and drop. 

Q10. Differentiate between files and folder. 

Ans. File Folder A place where information is stored in computer. A location where a group of files can be stored. It has a name and extension both It has only name. 

Q11. Write the extension for the following. 

a. A Notepad file 

b. A Sound File 

c. An image file 

Ans. Extensions are a. .txt b. .mp3 c. .jpg 

Q12. The file name and file name extension are separated by a ________________ 

Ans. dot ( . ) 

Q13. Write the steps to create folder on desktop? 

Ans. The steps to create folder on desktop are: 1. Right-click on desktop and then choose the ‘New Folder’. 2. Type the name of the folder. 

Q14. Write the shortcut command for the following. a. Cut b. Copy c. Paste d. Undo e. Redo f. Select all 

Ans. Shortcut commands are: a. Cut ———– Ctrl + X b. Copy ———– Ctrl + C c. Paste ———– Ctrl + V d. Undo ———– Ctrl + Z e. Redo ———– Ctrl + Y f. Select all ———– Ctrl + A 

Q15. Write the basic tips for taking care of Laptop/Desktop. 

Ans. Basic tips for taking care of Computer are : 

1. Avoid eating anything over a keyboard. 

2. Wipe the screen with a soft cloth. 

3. Avoid eating or drinking near computer. 

4. Handle and move your laptop carefully. 

Q16. What do you mean by Data Backup? 

Ans. Backing up data means to save the information present on your computer on another device, such as CD/DVD drives or hard disk. 

Q17. What do you mean by Spam? 

Ans. We get mails from companies who are advertising a product or trying to attract you to their website. Such mails are called Spam. 

Q18. How can you increase the performance of a computer? 

Ans. We can increase the performance of a computer by 

a. Using an updated Antivirus Software 

b. Removing unnecessary files and data, such as temporary files and images. 

Q19. ________________ is leakage of information stored in a computer. Ans. Security break 

Q20. What do you mean by Virus? Ans. Viruses are computer programs that can damage the data and software programs or steal the information stored on a computer. 

Q21. Name two types of Virus.

 Ans. Worms and Trojan Horse 

Q22. Differentiate between Worms and Trojan Horse. 

Ans. Worms Trojan These are viruses that replicate and A Trojan Horse seems to be a useful program spread to all files once they attack a computer. but once it reaches a computer it starts destroying data. 

Q23. What do you mean by Online predators? 

Ans. Online Predator: Online predators are people who trap you into inappropriate relationships. 

Q24. Write few tips to protect your data from online theft and viruses. 

Ans. Few tips to protect our data from online theft and viruses are: a. Use passwords to login to your computer: b. Install Anti-virus and Firewall: c. Use Data Encryption d. Give details of your credit card or bank account only on secure sites 

Q25. What do you mean by threats to Computer? Ans. Threats are the ways in which personal information can be leaked from a computer without our knowing. 

Q26. List the various threats to a computer and its data. 

Ans. The various threats to a computer and its data are: 1 Virus 2. Phishing 3. Online theft 4. Cyber crime 5. Hacking 

Q27. __________________ is stealing of software and using of unlicensed and unauthorized copies of a computer software. Ans. Software Piracy 

Q28. What is ‘s’ in “https”? Ans. ‘s’ stands for secure. 

Q29. Name the encrypting feature of Windows. Ans. BitLocker 

Q30. List the various types of keys available on Keyboard. Ans. The various types of keys available on Keyboard are : a. Control keys b. Function Keys c. Alphabet Keys d. Numeric Keys e. Navigation Keys 

Q31. When the ____________ key is turned ON, it helps to overwrite characters to the right of the cursor. Ans. INSERT 

Q32. Name two keys available on keyboard which are used to remove typed text or characters. Ans. Delete and Backspace 

Q33. _________ key helps to move the cursor to the beginning of a new line. Ans. RETURN or ENTER 

Q34. Pressing ______________ key opens the Start menu. Ans. Windows 

Q35. Name any two file extensions. 

Ans. Two file extensions are : a) .txt b) .doc c) .jpg d) .xls

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