class 10 Computer Application Internet Basic Questions


Question 1. What do you mean by internet?

Answer: The Internet is a global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices.

Question 2. Mention any two major uses of Internet.
Answer: The two major uses of Internet are as follows, For the students and educational purposes, Internet is widely used to gather information so as to do the research. We can send/receive the mail all over the world.

 Question 3. Write two advantages of using Internet.

Answer: Advantages of using Internet are as follows:

1.    It is used for communication, entertainment, searching information and for providing many types of services.

2.    It provides the facility of E-mail.


Question 4. Name the protocol, which helps you to communicate between a Web server and a Web browser.
Answer: HTTP


Question 5. Write the name of any two Internet Service Provider(ISP) in India.

Answer: MTNL and Airtel.


Question 6. Name any two ways of wireless connections of Internet.
Answer: Wi-Fi and WiMax.


Question 7. Name any two Internet protocols used by Web.
Answer: HTTP and FTP.


Question 8. Name any five DSL broadband service providers in India.
Answer: BSNL, Airtel, Reliance, MTNL and Tata Indicom.


Question 9. What can a user do with WWW?
Answer: Using WWW, a user can download files, listen to music view video files and jump to other documents or websites by using hypertext links.


Question 10. Name any two major services provided by Internet.
Answer: E-mail and WWW.


Question 11. Can we use URL to access a Web page? How?
Answer: Yes, as a location on a Web server, which is called a Website and each Website has a unique address known as URL. So, an URL can be used to access a Web page.


Question 12. Which language is helpful to create Web pages?
Answer: HTML is used for designing Web page.


Question 13. Mr. Ram owns a factory which manufactures automobile spare parts. Suggest him the advantages of having a Web page for his factory.
Answer: The Web page provides the information to the clients about his factory of spare parts. Moreover, he can receive the order on the Internet from the clients using the Web page.


Question 14. Write the relationship between a Website and a Web server.
Answer: Web server is a computer on which a Website is hosted.


Question 15. Write the Web extensions (top level domain names) given to a Websites of the following types of organisations.

1.    educational

2.    government


1.    .edu

2.    .gov


Question 16. Write Web extensions given to sites of the following types of organisations.

1.    network organisation

2.    government agencies


1.    .net

2.    .gov


Question 17. Name two Web browsers of Internet.
Answer: Internet Explorer and Google Chrome.


Question 18. Identify Web addresses and E-mail addresses from the following






1.    1,3 are Web address

2.    2,4 are E-mail address


Question 19. Expand the following Web extensions using with Web addresses.

1.    .org

2.    .in


1.    Organisation

2.    India


Question 20. Write any two Web extensions used with Web addresses.
Answer: .org and .com


Question 21. Identify Web addresses and E-mail addresses from the following






1.    and

2.    Web address

3.    and

4.    E-mail address


Question 22. What is URL?
Answer: URL means Uniform Resource Locator. It is a full unique address of a Web page on the Internet. It specifies the Internet address of a file stored on a host computer connected to the Internet.


Long Answer Type Questions


Question 1. How did the Internet begin?

Answer: The Internet has gained popularity and emerged as an important and efficient means of communication. The term Internet is derived from the words ‘interconnection’ and ‘networks’. A network is a collection of two or more computers, which are connected together to share information and resources. The Internet is a worldwide system of computer networks, i.e. network of networks. Through Internet, computers become able to exchange information with each other and find diverse perspective on issues from a global audience. Most of the people uses Internet for sending and receiving E-mail and net surfing for retrieving information.


Question 2. Many organisations use both Internet and Intranet. Give some differences between Intranet and Internet.
Answer: Differences between Intranet and Internet are as follows:

1.    Internet is a Wide Area Network (WAN), while Intranet is a Local Area Network (LAN).

2.    Greater amount of information is available on Internet, while on Intranet specific amount of information is available.

3.    Internet is not safe as Intranet can be safely privatised as per the need.


Question 3. Write three disadvantages of using Internet.
Answer: The three disadvantages of using Internet are as follows:

1.    Cyber frauds

2.    Information misuse

3.    Computer virus circulation


Question 4. How do Internet help us?
Answer: Internet can be useful for us in following ways:

1.    Allows organisations to advertise their products.

2.    Provides information.

3.    Easily communicate with other people.

4.    Save paper as we can publish documents on the Internet.


Question 5. What is MODEM?

Answer: MODEM stands for Modulator / DEModulator. It is a hardware device that enables a computer to send and receive information over telephone lines by converting the digital data used by your computer into an analog signal used on telephone lines and the converting back once received on the other end.


Question 6. Define home page. Give two advantages of home page.
Answer: A home page is the first page of a Website.


The two advantages of home page are as follows:

1.    It helps viewers to find out what they can find on that site.

2.    Publicity of an individual or community.


Question 7. Write a note on IP address and give its characteristics.
Answer: Internet internally follows number based addressing system. Numeric address of a computer is called IP address by a scheme called Domain Name System (DNS). The IP address consists of four numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots.
The characteristics of an IP address are as follows:

1.    IP addresses are unique.

2.    IP addresses are global and standardised.


Question 8. How do you differentiate between a Web address and an E-mail address?
Answer: The basic differences between a Web address and an E-mail address are as follows:

1.    E-mail address is a network address whereas Web address is the Internet address.

2.    An E-mail address always contains the ‘at the rate’ sign (@) whereas, a Web address never does.


Question 9. What is the significance of HTTP?
Answer: HTTP is a protocol used on Internet. It works in combination with WWW. It allows us to access hypertext documents on WWW. Since, WWW allows us to access or use multimedia files on the Internet and the hypertext files support multimedia.

Long Answer Type Questions  [5 Marks each]


Very Long Answer type questions

Question 1. Why is Internet called ‘Network of Networks’?

                Internet is called ‘Network of Networks’ because it is global network of computers that are linked together by cables and telephone lines making communication possible among them. It can be defined as a global network over a million of smaller heterogeneous computer networks.

                The network which consists of thousands of networks spanning the entire globe is known as Internet.

                The Internet is a world wide collection of networked computers, which are able to exchange information with each other very quickly.

                Mostly people use the Internet in two ways, E-mail and World Wide Web. In Internet, most computers are not connected directly, they are connected to smaller networks, which in turn are connected through gateways to the Internet backbone.

                A gateway is a device that connects dissimilar networks. A backbone is central interconnecting structure that connects one or more networks.

Question 2. What is DNS and also explain its functions?
Answer: DNS stands for Domain Name System. It is a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services or any resources connected to the Internet or a private network. It associates various information with domain names assigned to each of the participating entities.
The different functions of DNS are as follows:

                It translates meaningful domain names into the numerical IP addresses, which is needed for the purpose of locating computer services and devices world wide.

                It serves as the phone book for the Internet by translating human friendly computer host names into IP addresses.

                The DNS can be quickly updated, allowing a service’s location on the network to change without affecting the end users.

                It distributes the responsibility of assigning domain names and mapping those names to IP addresses by designating authoritative names servers for each domain.

                It also specifies the technical functionality of database service. It defines the DNS protocol, a detailed specification of the data structure and data communication exchanges used in DNS, as part of the Internet Protocol Suite (IPS).

Question 3. Give an example of E-mail address and explain each part of it.

Answer: The example of an E-mail address is
The format of E-mail address is username@hostname or domain name. So, as per the above example of E-mail address abc is the username and is the name of hosting server or host (domain) name. Thus, we can say that E-mail address has two parts separated by symbol.


1.               Username: On the left side of separator @ is the user name. A user name cannot have blanks.

2.               Domain name for the host server: The portion to the right of @ identifies the server or host network that services your E-mail. It is also known as E-mail server. 

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