Python Operator for Class XI BASIC TO ADVANCE Session 2024-2025

In Python, operators are special symbols or keywords used to perform operations on values and variables. They can be categorized into several types:

1. Arithmetic Operators

Used to perform mathematical operations:

  • + : Addition
  • - : Subtraction
  • * : Multiplication
  • / : Division
  • % : Modulus (remainder of division)
  • ** : Exponentiation (power)
  • // : Floor Division (division that rounds down to the nearest integer)


a = 10 b = 3 addition = a + b # 13 subtraction = a - b # 7 multiplication = a * b # 30 division = a / b # 3.333... modulus = a % b # 1 exponentiation = a ** b # 1000 floor_division = a // b # 3

2. Comparison Operators

Used to compare two values:

  • == : Equal to
  • != : Not equal to
  • > : Greater than
  • < : Less than
  • >= : Greater than or equal to
  • <= : Less than or equal to


a = 10 b = 3 equal = (a == b) # False not_equal = (a != b) # True greater_than = (a > b) # True less_than = (a < b) # False greater_equal = (a >= b) # True less_equal = (a <= b) # False

3. Logical Operators

Used to combine conditional statements:

  • and : Logical AND
  • or : Logical OR
  • not : Logical NOT


a = True b = False and_result = a and b # False or_result = a or b # True not_result = not a # False

4. Assignment Operators

Used to assign values to variables:

  • = : Assign
  • += : Add and assign
  • -= : Subtract and assign
  • *= : Multiply and assign
  • /= : Divide and assign
  • %= : Modulus and assign
  • **= : Exponentiation and assign
  • //= : Floor division and assign


a = 10 a += 3 # a = a + 3, now a is 13 a -= 2 # a = a - 2, now a is 11 a *= 2 # a = a * 2, now a is 22 a /= 4 # a = a / 4, now a is 5.5

5. Bitwise Operators

Used to perform operations on binary numbers:

  • & : Bitwise AND
  • | : Bitwise OR
  • ^ : Bitwise XOR
  • ~ : Bitwise NOT
  • << : Left shift
  • >> : Right shift


a = 10 # 1010 in binary b = 3 # 0011 in binary bitwise_and = a & b # 0010, which is 2 bitwise_or = a | b # 1011, which is 11 bitwise_xor = a ^ b # 1001, which is 9 bitwise_not = ~a # -(a+1), which is -11 left_shift = a << 1 # 10100, which is 20 right_shift = a >> 1 # 0101, which is 5

6. Membership Operators

Used to test if a sequence contains an item:

  • in : Returns True if a sequence contains the specified item
  • not in : Returns True if a sequence does not contain the specified item


numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] is_in = 3 in numbers # True is_not_in = 6 not in numbers # True

7. Identity Operators

Used to compare the memory locations of two objects:

  • is : Returns True if both variables are the same object
  • is not : Returns True if both variables are not the same object


a = [1, 2, 3] b = a c = [1, 2, 3] is_same = a is b # True, b references the same object as a is_not_same = a is c # False, a and c are different objects even though they contain the same dat

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