Data visualisation means graphical or pictorial representation of the data using graph, chart, etc. The purpose of plotting data is to visualise variation or show relationships between variables.
Visualisation of data is effectively used in fields like health, finance, science, mathematics, engineering, etc.
The pyplot module of matplotlib contains a collection of functions that can be used to work on a plot.
The plot() function of the pyplot module is used to create a figure.
A figure contains a plotting area, legend, axis labels, ticks, title, etc.
Program 1
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#list storing date in string format
#list storing temperature values
#create a figure plotting temp versus date
plt.plot(date, temp)
Customisation of Plots Pyplot library gives us numerous functions, which can be used to customise charts such as adding titles or legends.
Program -2
Plotting a line chart of date versus temperature by adding Label on X and Y axis, and adding a Title and Grids to the chart.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(date, temp)
plt.xlabel("Date") #add the Label on x-axis
plt.ylabel("Temperature") #add the Label on y-axis
plt.title("Date wise Temperature") #add the title to the chart
plt.grid(True) #add gridlines to the background
It is also possible to specify each point in the line through a marker.
A marker is any symbol that represents a data value in a line chart or a scatter plot.
It is also possible to format the plot further by changing the colour of the plotted data.We can either use character codes or the color names as values to the parameter color in the plot().
Character and Colour
‘b’ blue
‘g’ green
‘r’ red
‘c’ cyan
‘m’ magenta
‘y’ yellow
‘k’ black
‘w’ white
Linewidth and Line Style
The linewidth and linestyle property can be used to change the width and the style of the line chart. Linewidth is specified in pixels.
The default line width is 1 pixel showing a thin line.
A number greater than 1 will output a thicker line depending on the value provided.
We can also set the line style of a line chart using the linestyle parameter.
It can take a string such as "solid", "dotted", "dashed" or "dashdot"
Program 3
Consider the average heights and weights of persons aged 8 to 16 stored in the following two lists: height = [121.9,124.5,129.5,134.6,139.7,147.3, 152.4, 157.5,162.6]
weight= [19.7,21.3,23.5,25.9,28.5,32.1,35.7,39.6, 43.2]
Let us plot a line chart where:
i. x axis will represent weight
ii. y axis will represent height
iii. x axis label should be “Weight in kg”
iv. y axis label should be “Height in cm”
v. colour of the line should be green
vi. use * as marker
vii. Marker size as10
viii. The title of the chart should be “Average weight with respect to average height”.
ix. Line style should be dashed
x. Linewidth should be 2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
weight=[19.7,21.3,23.5,25.9,28.5,32.1,35.7,39.6,43.2] df=pd.DataFrame({"height":height,"weight":weight}) #Set xlabel for the plot
plt.xlabel('Weight in kg') #Set ylabel for the plot
plt.ylabel('Height in cm') #Set chart title:
plt.title('Average weight with respect to average height') #plot using marker'-*' and line colour as green plt.plot(df.weight,df.height,marker='*',markersize=10,color='green ',linewidth=2, linestyle='dashdot')
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