Class 10 HTML Worksheet: The ul (Unordered List) Tag

Class 10 HTML Worksheet: The <ul> (Unordered List) Tag

Part A: Fill in the Blanks

  1. The <ul> tag is used to create a __________ list in HTML.
  2. Each item in an unordered list is represented by the __________ tag.
  3. The default bullet style for an unordered list is a __________.
  4. The __________ attribute of the <ul> tag can be used to change the bullet style.
  5. The three possible bullet types for an unordered list are __________, __________, and __________.

Part B: True or False

  1. The <ul> tag is used to create a list with numbers. (True / False)
  2. Each item in an unordered list must be enclosed within the <li> tag. (True / False)
  3. The default bullet style for an unordered list is a disc. (True / False)
  4. You can nest an ordered list inside an unordered list. (True / False)
  5. The type attribute is used to change the bullet style in unordered lists. (True / False)

Part C: Short Answer Questions

  1. What is the purpose of the <ul> tag in HTML?
  2. Write the HTML code to create an unordered list of your top 5 favorite fruits.
  3. Explain the difference between the <ul> tag and the <ol> tag.
  4. What is the type attribute in the <ul> tag? How can you use it to change the bullet style? Provide examples.
  5. How do you create a nested unordered list in HTML? Write an example.

Part D: Practical Exercises

  1. Create an HTML document with the following unordered lists:

    • A list of your 3 favorite foods, using default bullet points.
    • A list of 4 types of pets, with square bullets instead of the default ones.
    • A list of 5 websites you visit frequently, with circle bullets.
  2. Write the HTML code to create a nested unordered list that looks like this:

    • Animals
      • Mammals
        • Dog
        • Cat
      • Birds
        • Parrot
        • Sparrow
  3. Create an unordered list where the bullet style is square, and the list contains 3 items: "Laptop," "Mobile Phone," and "Tablet."

Part E: Code Correction

Examine the following HTML code and correct the mistakes related to the <ul> tag. Rewrite the correct code.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Unordered List Example</title> </head> <body> <ul> <li>Item 1 <li>Item 2 <li>Item 3</ul> </body> </html>

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