HTML Short-Answer Questions :-

What is HTML? What is the purpose of using it?

  • HTML stands for Hypertext-Markup Language. It is a simple text based language. HTML is used to create Web pages and tells the browser how to display them. It designs the basic layout and formatting of Web pages.

Write the extension of HTML code file.

  • Extension of an HTML code file is .htm or .html

How many types of tags are there in HTML? Name them.

  • There are two types of tags in HTML.
  • Container tags :- They require a starting and closing tag. Example : <html> </html>
  • Empty tags :- They require just a starting tag and not the closing tag. Example : <br>

How can we change the font size of a single line on a Web page ?

  • The font size of a single line can be changed by using the following HTML code:
<font size =+1> This is a HTML text </font>.

What is the use of <FONT> tag in HTML code? Write any two attributes used with this tag.

  • The <FONT> tag is used to change the size, color and type face of the text on HTML page. It uses attributes such as size, face etc.

Why do we insert comments in an HTML document? How do we use them? 

  • Comments are used so that user will be able to understand the coding effects and meaning. In HTML code, the comment line is declared as <!–Any text –>.

What is the purpose of using the tags <H1>…<H6>?

  • HTML> provides six levels of headings. <H1> is the largest heading level while <H6> is the smallest heading level. These headings help us in obtaining a uniform look and feel for the document.

How can anyone insert horizontal line and a line break in a Webpage?

  • Horizontal line is inserted by using <hr> tag and line break is inserted with the <br> tag.

How do we insert an image in a page? Write an attribute used with this tag.

  • Image is inserted in a webpage with the help of <img> tag. src attribute is used to define the source of the image.

Explain Nested list with an example.

  • When a list is defined within another list, we call it a nested list. There are no special symbols or tags for representing a nested list.

Example :

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <li>Techno Brainz


What are the features of HTML?

  • It is a very easy and simple language. It can be easily understood and modified.
  • It is very easy to make an effective presentation with HTML because it has a lot of formatting tags.
  • It is a markup language, so it provides a flexible way to design web pages along with the text.

What is definition list?

  • This is a list of items, with a description of each item. HTML definition lists (<DL>) are indented list without any bullet symbol or any number in front of each item. This list elements have a unique array of tags and elements; the resulting lists are similar to those you would see in a dictionary.
  • Tags used in definition lists are as follows:
  • <DL> Opening tag that detines the start of the list.
  • <DT> List item that defines the definition term.
  • <DD> Definition of the list item.
  • </DL> Closing tag that defines the end of the list.

Differentiate types questions :-

Below are the important differentiate HTML Class 10 Important Questions :-

What is the difference between BGCOLOR and BACKGROUND?

This attribute is used to change the background color.This attribute is used to set the background image.
It’s value can be a color name or a color code.It’s value cann be a file name or an image path.
Example : <body bgcolor=”blue”>Example : <body background=”TechnoBrainz.png”>

What is the difference between ROWSPAN and COLSPAN?

Rowspan and Colspan are the attributes of the <td> tag used in table in HTML.

It is used to merge two or more cells of a row in HTML table.It is used to merge two or more cells of a coloumn in HTML table.
Example : <td rowspan=4>Example : <td colspan=4>

What is the difference between TAG and ATTRIBUTE?

They are HTML commands that are used for creating web pages.They are used to specify characteristics of tags.
They are of two types : Empty tags and container tags.Their types depends on the type of tags that we are using.
Angle brackets are used to represent the tags(<>).No special symbol used for them.
Example : <body>Example :<body bgcolor=”blue”>

What is the difference between ORDERED LIST and UNORDERED LIST?

<ol> tag is used to create this tyoe of list.<ul> tag is used to create this tyoe of list.
It is called numbered list.It is called bulleted list.
Default type value is numbers.Default type value is disc.
Values for type attribute are : a,A,1,i,I
Values for type attribute are : circle, disc, square

What is the difference between a BLOCK-LEVEL element and an INLINE element?

BLOCK-Level ElementINLINE Element
These HTML elements always starts with a new line and browsers automatically adds some margin.Types of HTML Elements that are opposite to block-level elements and they do not start from a new line.
They takes up the whole horizontal space of its parent element and the height is equal to the content’s height. They only takes up as much width as necessary.
They are meant to structure the main parts of the page, by dividing the content in coherent blocks.They are meant to differentiate part of a text, to give it a meaning.
<p> and <div> which defines a paragraph and a section in an HTML document respectively are two common examples of the block-level elements.<span> and <strong> which is used to markup a text and used to bold the content to state it’s importance respectively are two common examples of the inline elements.

HTML Long-Answer Questions :-

Below are the important long answer HTML Class 10 Important Questions

Explain the basic structure of HTML document giving suitable example.

HTML specifies a way in which the web page is arranged. Every website has a specific layout to display content in a specific manner. Following are different HTML elements which are used to define the different parts of a webpage:

  • <html> – </html> : the complete document is defined within these tags. This document consists of two parts head and body.
  • <head> – </head> : these tags represents the head part. It contains the header information of the web page. It also contains the <title> and </title> tags which are used to define title of the web page.
  • <body> – </body> : these tags represents the body part. It contains the code for the main part of the web page.

What is a list in HTML? How many types of lists are their in HTML? Explain.

HTML Lists are used to group a set of related items. These are of three types :
1) Ordered List or Numbered List (ol)
2) Unordered List or Bulleted List (ul)
3) Description List or Definition List (dl)

1) Ordered List or Numbered List (ol) :
In order to list items in any number or any countable format, we use Ordered or Numbered lists.

  • By default, all the items are marked with numbers in the ordered lists.
  • It is created using the <ol> tag and the list item is specified using the <li> tag.

2) Unordered List or Bulleted List (ul) :
It is used to lists elements that do not require any order or sequence.

  • By default, all the items are marked with discs in the unordered lists.
  • It is created using the <ul> tag and the list item is specified using the <li> tag.

3) Description List or Definition List (dl) :

  • Description or definition list is used to list terms along with their description.
  • The terms here, are listed like in a dictionary or encyclopedia.

The tags used here are :

  • <dl> : used to define the definition list
  • <dt> : used to define the term in the definition list
  • <dd> : used to define the term definition in definition list

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